Site Remediation Services
DuBois and Associates is well experienced in providing a wide range of site remediation services from real estate due diligence to ecological assessments and investigations, as well as brownfields redevelopment and regulatory compliance. Our clients include builders, real estate developers, government entities (i.e. municipalities and county agencies), homeowners, landowners, Fortune 500 companies, and attorneys. DuBois and Associates has conducted site remediation services on a wide variety of properties, which include undeveloped, residential, agricultural, commercial and industrial properties. We strive to provide our clients with professional, diligent and budget conscious services while bridging the gap between the client’s project specific needs and regulatory compliance and requirements.

Due diligence is defined as “reasonable steps taken by a person/entity in order to satisfy a legal requirement, especially in purchasing or selling something”. DuBois environmental conducts various due diligence services of real property for clients who are entering into real estate transactions, loan transactions, and mergers. Services include Preliminary Assessments, Phase I, Phase II and Geophysical Services.

DuBois conducts Remedial Investigation services, which are used to determine the extent of contamination and how to remediate (cleanup) contaminated media at a property. DuBois and Associates uses state-of-the-art technologies, practices, and equipment, which can adhere to project specific budgets and timeframes to ensure the client reaches their goals.

ISRA requires owners of facilities with specific industrial classifications to investigate and remediate their property prior to property transactions when triggering event(s) occur. If an industrial facility has a North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, which is subject to ISRA, the facility is required to comply with all ISRA applicable requirements.

Recent legislation has brought awareness to the fact that past farming activities may still create a health hazard to new developments that have been built on agricultural land. DuBois and Associates has specific experience with sampling, and supporting remediation and/or mitigating higher levels of historic pesticides, arsenic and lead.