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Since 1995, scientists with DuBois and Associates have performed over 2,500 projects in five (5) States. This is a sample select list of projects we have performed or are currently completing in the following sectors: Utility Transmission Service, Resource Extraction, Residential Development, Transportation, Wetland Mitigation.


Sectors  |


Transmission line upgrades, A. C. Electric Co., Several Locations, NJ
Conducted ecological services for transmission line upgrades and rebuilds at several locations throughout NJ.  Tasks included preliminary habitat suitability assessments for Federal and state listed T&E flora and fauna; directed surveys for northern pine snake, barred owl, Pine Barrens and Cope’s gray tree-frogs, Red-shouldered and Cooper’s hawks, northern bog turtle, swamp pink and Pinelands listed flora; evaluated raptor nests on existing utility structures and provided recommendations for safe and permitted removal; delineated T&E plant populations for protective initiative during construction phases of rebuild projects and environmental and biological monitoring; coordinated with the USFWS, NJDEP and New Jersey Pinelands Commission to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.  Some of the projects where ecological services were provided include:


  • Union-Corson Transmission Line Upgrade, Cumberland & Cape May Counties, New Jersey 

  • Mickelton-Trainor Transmission Line Upgrades, Gloucester County, New Jersey 

  • Corson-Middle-Lake Transmission Line Upgrades, Cape May County, New Jersey 

  • Cumberland-Dennis Transmission Line Upgrades, Cumberland County, New Jersey

  • Cardiff-Lewis Transmission Line Upgrades, Atlantic County, New Jersey 

  • Deepwater-Laurel Transmission Line Upgrades, Salem County, New Jersey

  • Mickleton - High Street Transmission Line Upgrades, Gloucester County, New Jersey 

  • High Street Substation, Woolwich Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey 

PHI Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP) Project – Eastern Shore MD

Ecological and environmental work was completed to assist utility siting and the land acquisition process for the Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP) Project, a 150-mile corridor proposing 500 kilovolt (kV) aerial transmission and 640-kV DC aerial, underground, & submarine transmission proposed by Pepco Holdings, Inc. (PHI) to improve reliability and increase energy imports into the Mid-Atlantic Region.  Lead biologists were responsible for documenting the presence or absence of the Federally-endangered Delmarva fox squirrel within forested landscapes within Dorchester County, Maryland.  County-wide photo monitoring surveys provided pertinent information regarding Delmarva fox squirrel distribution trends and mitigation locations.  Rare, threatened and endangered (RTE) species habitat evaluations and directed RTE plant species surveys were performed from Calvert County, Maryland east to the Maryland/Delaware border.

PHI/Exelon Avian Protection Investigations  

Various Locations in DE, MD & NJ

Investigations along the Easton-Bozman transmission right-of-way in Talbot County, Maryland included raptor nest surveys, carcass surveys in outage areas, avian monitoring in high risk areas and pole configuration risk assessments.  Investigated outages from potential avian electrocution and recommended proper retrofitting measures including the installation of grounding conductor covers and jumper covers where inadequate phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground separation distances were encountered.  Bald Eagle and other avian monitoring are conducted along PHI/Exelon transmission lines along various routes through NJ, MD, and DE.  Tasks includes nest surveys, nest relocation and platform construction, and construction monitoring.

NJNG Southern Reliability Link - Ocean and Burlington Counties, NJ

Investigations along the NJNG Southern Reliability Link right-of-way through Burlington and Ocean Counties, inclusive of portions of the Lakehurst Naval Air Station property.  Biologists performed various threatened and endangered species habitat evaluations and species specific surveys.  Surveys included red-headed woodpecker call playback surveys, comprehensive floral surveys, target snake species nest surveys/habitat evaluations, grassland bird surveys, barred owl surveys, Phase I and II bog turtle surveys, northern long eared bat acoustic survey, and swamp pink evaluation.  Comprehensive final reports were prepared to address all Federally listed species (bog turtle, northern long eared bat, Knieskern's beaked rush, swamp pink), and to include all habitat evaluations and species specific surveys throughout NJDEP and NJ Pinelands Commission jurisdiction, inclusive of presentation of survey results, and recommendations for best management practices to ensure minimization of impacts to threatened and endangered species habitat.


Pennsy Supply Co. Mineral Quarry Expansion – Luzerne County, PA

Conducted summer mist-net Indiana Bat surveys and developed an Indiana Bat Habitat Mitigation Plan for a mineral quarry in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.  The quarry is located within the area of a known Indiana bat hibernaculum and the Plan was developed to ensure protection of this endangered species pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973.  The measures within the Plan satisfied USFWS concerns regarding expansion of quarry operations and Indiana bat protection.

Shulton Quarry Habitat Conservation Plan & Quarry Expansion
– Ocean County, NJ

Directed snake surveys on former quarry lands revealed the presence of hibernacula (dens), nests and critical foraging areas for a population of the state-threatened northern pine snake.  Staff at DuBois Environmental developed a Habitat Conservation Plan which secured Green Acres designation upon lands containing critical habitat for the northern pine snake.  Through coordination with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the New Jersey Pinelands Commission, this tract of land is now preserved in perpetuity for northern pine snake.  The client was permitted to pursue continued resource extraction on lands outside of critical habitat areas.


Collected field data, prepared application submissions and secured environmental permit approvals for numerous residential development projects throughout New Jersey.  Some of the residential projects where environmental services were provided include:

The Reserve at Pleasant Grove, Jackson Township, Ocean County, NJ

Prepared and received approvals for NJDEP Wetlands letter of Interpretation, NJDEP Wetlands Transition Area Waiver and Township Environmental Impact Statement for a 33-lot single-family residential subdivision.  The project also incorporated approval for 126+ acre portion of the site to be set aside for mitigation from unavoidable impacts to wetlands, open waters, and riparian zones associated with the Garden State Parkway-Interchange improvement project.  The breakdown of the mitigation area included approximately 51 acres of forested riparian zone enhancement, 14 acres of wetland enhancement and 61 acres of high quality forest/wetland preservation.  Combining the large scale restoration/mitigation project with a clustered development of the proposed development type resulted in creating a “regenerative development”.  These projects leave a softer touch on the landscape by integrating habitat restoration into residential living, creating an ecologically friendly project and resulting in a higher quality of life for residents. 


Route 301 Expansion Project - Section 29E and 29W, New Castle County, DE

Conducted an extensive trapping survey for the federally-threatened bog turtle and the possible occurrence of a number of other T&E species within or proximate to the proposed road expansion project.  Documentation obtained from completion of the survey was included in a required NEPA document.  Coordinated with the USFWS and DE Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.  All studies were conducted in accordance with USFWS Section 7 consultation and State protocols for the species studied.  When applicable, the DE Department of Transportation (DelDOT) procedures manual was followed to the required standards.

Creek Road Bridge Replacement, Chadds Ford, Delaware County, PA

Trapping, nesting and visual site inspections were conducted for the Red-bellied Turtle (PA State-threatened) within and around the proposed area of disturbance associated with the Creek Road Bridge Replacement (Section DRB) Project over the Brandywine Creek in Chadds Ford Township.  Survey result satisfied PA Fish and Boat concerns regarding project activities and protection of the Red-bellied Turtle.

New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)

Roadway Improvement Projects

Various Locations, NJ

Coordination with NJDOT and project engineers in delineating wetlands along proposed roadway improvement projects, providing consultation regarding environmental permit requirements, and preparing permit applications for submission to the  NJDEP for approval.  This includes comprehensive permit applications for disturbance to wetlands, wetland buffers, flood hazard areas, and threatened and endangered species habitat pursuant to applicable state regulations that include the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act Rules (N.J.A.C.7:7A), Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules (N.J.A.C.7:13) and Coastal Zone Management Rules (N.J.A.C.7:7).


New Jersey Wetland Mitigation Banks, Several Locations, NJ

Conducted preliminary environmental and ecological assessments of proposed wetland mitigation bank sites and received conceptual approvals for mitigation bank designs.  Secured required environmental permits from NJDEP and Pinelands Commission along with the appropriate mitigation banking instruments for permitting of proposed wetland mitigation banks.  Coordinated with the USFWS, NJDEP and New Jersey Pinelands Commission to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Conducted multi-year wetland mitigation bank monitoring to ensure the banks met vegetation performance success criteria.  Scientists at DuBois and Associates helped establish the following approved wetland mitigation banks:


WMA 11: Nishisakawick Bank, Monroe Township, Gloucester County, NJ

WMA 12: Marsh Bog Brook I and II Banks, Howell Township, Monmouth County, NJ

WMA 15: Great Egg Harbor Bank, Monroe Township, Gloucester County, NJ

WMA 20: Barkers Brook Springfield and Easthampton Townships, Burlington County, NJ


Collected field data, prepared application submissions and secured environmental permit approvals for numerous commercial and public development projects throughout New Jersey.  Some of these projects where environmental services were provided include:

Special Olympics of New Jersey Athletic Facility – Mercer County, NJ

Conducted a wetland delineation on the property and obtained a freshwater wetland Letter of Interpretation verifying the wetland limits.  Prepared an application submission and received authorization for a Transition Area Waiver to legalize authorized activities within freshwater wetland buffers.  Prepared a Municipal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for local approval of the proposed Special Olympics multi use athletic field.

Burlington County Department of Natural Resources Park Facilities – Burlington County, NJ

Coordinate with Burlington County and the team of engineers and landscape architects to evaluate proposed park improvements specific to environmental constraints and permitting requirements.  Conduct wetland delineations throughout these properties and obtain the necessary field data to prepare the required NJDEP and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permits for construction of these improvements.  This includes Letter of Interpretations verifying the wetland limits as delineated, NJDEP freshwater wetland permits and waivers for trails, stormwater management activities, wetland buffer encroachments, and various coastal and Waterfront Development Permits for water dependent uses such as fishing docks, piers, and boardwalks.   These improvements typically also require threatened and endangered species analyses, surveys, and coordination with NJDEP personnel to ensure minimization of impacts to critical habitat.

Ridgeway Boulevard Property, Manchester Township, Ocean County, NJ

Conducted threatened and endangered wildlife and plant surveys throughout the property for proposed development of a warehouse and business facility.  This included Barred Owl, Red-headed Woodpecker, and Red-shouldered Hawk population surveys, results of which were accepted by the NJ Pinelands Commission.  Sickle leaved golden aster, a listed/regulated plant species in the Pinelands, was identified on the site.  The population was monitored over an approximate 3 year period.  A management plan was prepared for development of the property to ensure minimization of impacts to the Sickle leaved golden aster population and preservation of suitable habitat.

resource extract
Our Clients

with us

Wetlands, Ecological Restoration, Endangered Species, Land Use Regulation, Wetland Mitigation, Habitat Management, Wetland Science, Landscape Ecology, Ecological Design, Environmental Consulting, Mitigation, Land Use Planning, Stream Restoration

+1 609.488.2857

+1 609.488.2859

Habitat Restoration, Environmental Awareness, Stormwater Management, Land Use, Ecology, Soil Testing, Environmental Permitting, Remediation, Environmental Planning, Wildlife, GIS, Wildlife Biology, Conservation Issues, Survey Seasons, New Jersey, Maryland,

Bryon DuBois

Denise DuBois
Amy Jones  

Anthony Silva

Kristin Wildman



Transmission Line Upgrades, A.C Electric Co.
Several Locations, NJ.

PHI Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP) Project Eastern Shore Maryland

Special Olympics of New Jersey Athletic Facility – Mercer County, New Jersey

Route 301 Expansion Project
Section 29E and 29W, New Castle County, DE

© 2015 DuBois and Associates, LLC
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