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The presence of freshwater wetlands and wetland buffers, regulated under the jurisdiction of State and/or the Federal Government, can have a significant impact on the development potential of a site. 

Certain types of activities that have minimal impact on wetlands or wetland buffers can be authorized through the issuance of state and/or Federal General Permits and/or Transition Area Waivers.  These activities may include the filling of an isolated wetland, construction of a road crossing or stormwater management system, or development of an a house addition in a wetland buffer.  If an activity does not meet the conditions of a General Permit, it may still be feasible pursuant to an Individual Wetlands Permit.  DuBois Environmental Consultants’ experience and proven track record can make freshwater wetlands on your site a manageable part of project development. 

Should wetlands be present on your project site, DuBois and Associates can evaluate impact on proposed site plans and develop a compatible plan to minimize impact to wetlands and the proposed development project.

The presence of freshwater wetlands and wetland buffers, regulated under the jurisdiction of State and/or the Federal Government, can have a significant impact on the development potential of a site.  The first task of wetland services is the identification, or delineation, of the extent of regulated wetlands  on a site.  With over  20 years of experience performing wetland delineations on over 1,000 parcels of land, DuBois and Associates’s staff of certified professional wetland scientists are experts in analyzing the technical indicators of wetland communities.  The three  parameters subject to evaluation to accurately determine the limits of wetlands and uplands on a project site is vegetation, hydrology and soils.  Staff scientists have accomplished experience in obtaining state and Federal approvals verifying the extent of wetlands through accurate field delineations, coordination with professional land surveyors to obtain acceptable wetland plans, preparation of comprehensive field data sheets and reports, and overall project management  to ensure submission of a complete application package that is in compliance with the regulations, and agency verification of the wetland limits.

DuBois and Associates conducts preliminary wetland evaluations to assist in advising property owners and contract purchasers in identifying the development potential of a property as part of due diligence investigations.  Tasks involve a site investigation to determine the approximate extent of environmental constraints, GIS mapping of the property and preliminary wetland and wetland buffer limits, and letter report summary identifying the extent of wetlands and anticipated wetland buffer limits, and area of developable uplands.  

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