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Survey Season Updates


By planning ahead and taking into account various seasonal constraints posed by many protected species, surveys conducted during designated survey seasons provide valuable knowledge on whether protected species may or may not occur within an applicant’s project area. 

Surveys can avoid potential delays in the permitting process, or enable construction to occur within an area found to be absent of protected species.  Surveys may also provide applicants with valuable information on the potential effects of defined actions on populations of rare species, and decisions can be made to avoid, seasonally restrict, or mitigate impacts upon sensitive species habitat.

Thinking Ahead & Planning

When during the year can surveys be carried out?


Northern bog turtle: April 15 to June 15

Indiana bat: May 15 to August 15

Breeding Birds: April to June

Snakes: April 1 to July 15

Red-headed Woodpecker: May 15 to June 30

Pine Barrens Treefrog: June to July

Southern Gray Treefrog: June to July

Full Survey Report

Indiana bat: Summer surveys - May 15 to August 15. Winter Surveys – September 1 to October 31; April 1 to April 21

Snakes: April 1 to July 15; September 1 to October 30

Eastern Tiger Salamander: January to March

Barred Owl: March 15 to April 30

Red-Shouldered Hawk: March 15 to April 30

Breeding Birds: April to June

Northern Bog Turtle: April 15 to June 15

Red-Headed Woodpecker: May 15 to June 30

Pine Barrens Treefrog: June to July

Southern Gray Treefrog: June to July

Plants: respective to individual species’ flowering and/or fruiting periods

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