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The presence of regulated waters and associated floodway, flood hazard area, and riparian buffer can increase the regulated areas on your property and have additional impacts on plans for land development.  These regulated areas are in addition to wetland and wetland buffer areas.


The presence of regulated waters and associated floodway, flood hazard area, and riparian buffer can increase the regulated areas on your property and have additional impacts on plans for land development.  These regulated areas are in addition to wetland and wetland buffer areas.

A stream or other mapped waterway on or in the vicinity of your property may be regulated under the jurisdiction of the State, which may have an impact on the development potential of your property.  These waters may be associated with a regulated floodway, flood hazard area and/or riparian buffer, which is determined pursuant to the Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules (N.J.A.C.7:13).  DuBois and Associates's staff has the experience and expertise in evaluating a property and the associated background information in order to advise a property owner of the potential regulatory impacts of these regulated flood hazard areas.  DuBois and Associates has the expertise and experience to compile all necessary information for verification of these regulated areas pursuant to the referenced rules.  This includes maintaining professional relationships with project engineers to ensure that all necessary information required is included.

Certain activities proposed within these regulated areas can be authorized through the issuance of applicable State approvals.  This includes Applicability Determinations, Permit-by-Rules, General Permits, and Individual Permits, which may authorize activities within a floodway, flood hazard area, or clearing of a riparian buffer, depending on what type of development is proposed.  Additional tasks required for certain flood hazard approvals may also require habitat evaluations and threatened and endangered species surveys to permit riparian buffer disturbance.  
DuBois and Associates has prepared and submitted applications for a variety of projects that are impacted by these regulated flood hazard areas, and have the experience necessary in performing additional required surveys and evaluations to facilitate approval of your project.
Our Clients

with us

Wetlands, Ecological Restoration, Endangered Species, Land Use Regulation, Wetland Mitigation, Habitat Management, Wetland Science, Landscape Ecology, Ecological Design, Environmental Consulting, Mitigation, Land Use Planning, Stream Restoration

+1 609.488.2857

+1 609.488.2859

Habitat Restoration, Environmental Awareness, Stormwater Management, Land Use, Ecology, Soil Testing, Environmental Permitting, Remediation, Environmental Planning, Wildlife, GIS, Wildlife Biology, Conservation Issues, Survey Seasons, New Jersey, Maryland,

Bryon DuBois

Denise DuBois
Amy Jones  

Anthony Silva

Kristin Wildman



Transmission Line Upgrades, A.C Electric Co.
Several Locations, NJ.

PHI Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP) Project Eastern Shore Maryland

Special Olympics of New Jersey Athletic Facility – Mercer County, New Jersey

Route 301 Expansion Project
Section 29E and 29W, New Castle County, DE

© 2015 DuBois and Associates, LLC
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