DuBois continued to provide our clients with bat acoustic services, which has become fundamental since the 2015 listing of the northern long-eared bat as a Federal threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. As a condition of Federal and State environmental permits, DuBois has assisted clients in the determination that their projects are not likely to adversely affect Federal listed bat species. DuBois monitored 40 bat acoustic survey sites, which included over 50 linear miles
14-Acre Lake Reclamation Project
14-acre Lake Reclamation Project – DuBois were contracted to remove and temporarily relocate Pennsylvania’s largest eastern redbelly turtle population prior to a 9-month dredging project. DuBois removed and relocated 523 turtles total, including over 120 redbelly turtles from the lake. 10 redbelly turtles were affixed with transmitters and their locations radio-tracked throughout the spring, summer and fall seasons to track behavior and obtain activity parameters.
Waterfront Development and Permitting
DuBois and Associates specializes in waterfront development and permitting for various projects in the coastal areas of New Jersey, including the dredging of marinas.
Federally Listed Threatened Species
The northern long-eared bat was federally listed a threatened species on April 2, 2015. In 2015, DuBois conducted over 200 net nights of mist netting to physically capture northern long-eared bats. Radio-tracking of captured northern long-eared bats has resulted in the identification of critical roosting areas and the identification of critical summer habitat for this imperiled species.
Associate Appreciate Award 2012
Associate Appreciate Award: In 2012 Bryon DuBois received the Associate Appreciation Award for serving on the States’ Wetland Mitigation Council for 10 years’.
Ocean County Airport 2013-2014
DuBois just celebrated the grand opening of a new Crosswind Runway at the Ocean County Airport in Berkeley Township. The runway was needed to provide a safer landing alternative for smaller aircraft during adverse wind and weather conditions. The Crosswind Runway is the newest runway constructed in New Jersey in the last 30 years. Scientists from DuBois and Associates were instrumental in providing biological oversight during the project to protect the resources of the Pinelands.
Delisting of Delmarva Fox Squirrel
Between 2009 and 2011, biologists with DuBois conducted county-wide photomonitoring surveys in Southern Maryland documenting distribution and population trends of the Federally listed Delmarva Fox Squirrel. We are happy to see that a 2012 status review found that the species has rebounded so well, that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is preparing to propose to remove the squirrel from Endangered Species Act protection. READ FULL ARTICLE BY CLICKING ON LINK
Over the past 10 years biologists at DuBois have conducted acoustic and mist netting studies in 3 states on over 20 sites to help clients comply with USFWS regulations. DuBois is proficient in conducting passive and mobile acoustic surveys by recording and analyzing the echolocation calls of bats
Hibernaculas: In 2013 biologists from DuBois constructed and oversaw the construction of 28 snake hibernaculas throughout the Ocean County.
Red-headed woodpecker
Biologists at DuBois are proficient in demonstrating presence or absence of regulated threatened or endangered species throughout the mid-Atlantic region