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Scientists at DuBois and Associates prepare Ecological Evaluations (EEs) and Ecological Risk Assessments (ERAs) for environmentally sensitive natural resources (ESNR) associated with contaminated sites and/or wetland mitigation banks. 


Scientists at DuBois and Associates prepare Ecological Evaluations (EEs) and Ecological Risk Assessments (ERAs) for environmentally sensitive natural resources (ESNR) associated with contaminated sites and/or wetland mitigation banks.


EEs are conducted to examine a site or area of concern for ESNRs on, adjacent to, or potentially impacted by the site; the presence of Contaminants of Potential Ecological Concern at the site or area of concern and in the ESNRs; and the presence of a contaminant migration pathway (historic or current) from the site to the ESNR or evidence of contaminated material having been placed directly into an ESNR.  The outcome of the EE is a recommendation either to conduct an ERA or no further ecological evaluation.  ERAs are quantitative assessments of the actual or potential impacts of Contaminants of Potential Ecological Concern from a contaminated site on wildlife and plants. The ERA consists of rigorous site-specific biological tests, determining whether actual or potential ecological risks exist at a site; identifying whether remediation is necessary for constituents posing ecological risks; and generating data needed to determine site-specific risk-based remediation goals and risk management decisions.  

Our Clients

with us

Wetlands, Ecological Restoration, Endangered Species, Land Use Regulation, Wetland Mitigation, Habitat Management, Wetland Science, Landscape Ecology, Ecological Design, Environmental Consulting, Mitigation, Land Use Planning, Stream Restoration

+1 609.488.2857

+1 609.488.2859

Habitat Restoration, Environmental Awareness, Stormwater Management, Land Use, Ecology, Soil Testing, Environmental Permitting, Remediation, Environmental Planning, Wildlife, GIS, Wildlife Biology, Conservation Issues, Survey Seasons, New Jersey, Maryland,

Bryon DuBois

Denise DuBois
Amy Jones  

Anthony Silva

Kristin Wildman



Transmission Line Upgrades, A.C Electric Co.
Several Locations, NJ.

PHI Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP) Project Eastern Shore Maryland

Special Olympics of New Jersey Athletic Facility – Mercer County, New Jersey

Route 301 Expansion Project
Section 29E and 29W, New Castle County, DE

© 2015 DuBois and Associates, LLC
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