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DuBois and Associates staff scientists are approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to perform mist net and acoustic surveys for both the Indiana bat and northern long-eared bat. 

We perform active surveys by deploying mist nets in the field to physically capture bats and record biological data, as well as perform passive acoustic surveys to detect, record and interpret bat echolocation calls recorded in the field.  Radio-telemetry surveys are conducted to track bats to occupied roost locations, and emergence surveys are performed to obtain bat population estimates.  Roost and emergence surveys are also performed to determine if dilapidated or old buildings slated for demolition are occupied by bats.  

Knowing which areas may or may not support protected species and ensuring that occupied habitats can sustain a population of threatened and endangered species is a significant step in the planning process of a potential development site.

In 2015 DuBois and Associates continued to provide our clients with bat acoustic services, which has become fundamental since the 2015 listing of the northern long-eared bat as a Federal threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.  As a condition of Federal and State environmental permits, DEC has assisted clients in the determination that their projects are not likely to adversely affect Federal listed bat species.  Since 2015, DEC monitored more than 100 bat acoustic survey sites, which included over 50 linear miles, and more than 10 mist net surveys throughout New Jersey. 

Our Clients

with us

Wetlands, Ecological Restoration, Endangered Species, Land Use Regulation, Wetland Mitigation, Habitat Management, Wetland Science, Landscape Ecology, Ecological Design, Environmental Consulting, Mitigation, Land Use Planning, Stream Restoration

+1 609.488.2857

+1 609.488.2859

Habitat Restoration, Environmental Awareness, Stormwater Management, Land Use, Ecology, Soil Testing, Environmental Permitting, Remediation, Environmental Planning, Wildlife, GIS, Wildlife Biology, Conservation Issues, Survey Seasons, New Jersey, Maryland,

Bryon DuBois

Denise DuBois
Amy Jones  

Anthony Silva

Kristin Wildman



Transmission Line Upgrades, A.C Electric Co.
Several Locations, NJ.

PHI Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP) Project Eastern Shore Maryland

Special Olympics of New Jersey Athletic Facility – Mercer County, New Jersey

Route 301 Expansion Project
Section 29E and 29W, New Castle County, DE

© 2015 DuBois and Associates, LLC
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